Volunteers of the DSO

You can help the DSO by assisting with the provision of refreshments at our Matinee Series concerts, and programme sales and ushering at DSO Concerts. Concert volunteers are then able to enjoy the concert music, too. Volunteers also help with the DSO's mailouts. Whichever way suits you, your contribution will play an important role in helping us to continue making music.
If you would like to volunteer your time to help the orchestra, please contact us using the online form below or email us at office.dso.org.nz.

Enquire about Volunteers of the DSO
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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
PO Box 5571
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Hanover Hall
65 Hanover Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand