DSO holds at least one round of auditions per year, usually in late March. Auditionees should be of at least LTCL, undergraduate performance music degree, or equivalent standard. Auditionees will be required to perform two contrasting own-choice works (or extracts thereof), as well as a selection of orchestral extracts. Auditions are blind, and will be assessed by a panel consisting of the DSO concertmaster, relevant principals, and an external assessor. In general, auditions are in person and held at Hanover Hall, DSO's regular rehearsal venue in Dunedin. However, audition by recording, though not preferred, is possible.
Auditions for the 2025 audition round open in February. If you would like to audition, please email Feby Idrus, the Arts Administrator, at artsadmin@dso.org.nz. to express your interest. If you think you need to audition by recording, please indicate this in your email to the Arts Administrator. When expressing interest, please also submit a short music CV (no more than 2 pages.) We will confirm acceptance of your application to audition when applications close.
2025 Audition Timeline:
February 3: Applications open
February 21: Applications close
Week of March 3: Audition extracts sent out
Early April: Auditions are held (specific times will be announced once applications have closed)
Mid-April to early May: Audition results sent out to auditionees
The audition panel consists of the Concertmaster, relevant section principals, and an external audition panel member.
For more details on the auditions, including our Guidelines to Auditionees, please email Feby Idrus at artsadmin@dso.org.nz
Audition by DVD or CD is possible but not encouraged.

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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
PO Box 5571
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Hanover Hall
65 Hanover Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand