Our Current Supporters
Thank you to our sponsors and partners for supporting us
Principal Musician Sponsors
Platinum $10,000+
Cally McWha & Lloyd Williams
Carol & Trevor Kempton - DSO Patrons
Gold $5,000+
Silver $2,500+
Alan and Janine Race
Pieter and Cynthia van Ammers
Bronze $1,000+
Val Braumann
Elizabeth Cutfield
Noel Carroll
Colin Cheyne
Deane Endowment Trust
Andrew & Barbara Hamilton
Polly & Charles Higham
Bill & Clare Hodgson Trust
Geoff & Jean Logan
Isiah Roberts
Sandy Garner & Anthony Ritchie
Glennie Jamieson
In Memory of Tom and Peg Makinson
Sally & Jeremy Nicoll
Charmian & Lloyd Smith
Ann Wylie
Anonymous x 1
Concertante $500 +
Benita Barton
Anne Cloonan
Jeremy Chang & Joanna Salmond
Margaret & Graeme Collie
In Memory of David Goodwin
Penelope England
Jim Large & Tessa Petersen
Nicola Peart
Charmian & Lloyd Smith
Greame & Caroline Smaill
Anonymous x 2
Concertino $200+
Haily Baird
Deborah & Maurice Bell
Tony & Judy Banks
Francie Beggs
Eileen Brunton
Graeme & Ally Burt
John Burton
Jonathan Cweorth
Wendy Crawford
Paul & Raewyn Devlin
Carol Evans
Prue & Peter Gilbert
Lindsay Gunn
Heather Hay
Matt Harger
Rosemary Hudson
Joan Kiernan & Monica Mulholland
Martha Lawrence
Rob Lawson & Elizabeth Cleverley
Jenette Leigh
Leo Li
Anne McCarthy
Anne McCreath Munro
Jane Malthus
Alan & Eleanor Morris
Dennis Norman
Lesley Schofield
Otto & Carolyn Schmid
David & Keren Skegg
Dr Margot Skinner
Dr Chris & Gisela Sole
Bill Thompson
Margaret Tripp
Lea & Craig Werner
Sandy Wicken
Don Williams
Catherine Smith
Steve Smith
Anonymous x 2
Virtual Café Members
Megan Bartlett
Alison Bowcott
Andrew & Barbara Hamilton
Tess Gilfedder
Patricia Leen
Ulla Reymann
Linda Seddon
Ruth Taylor
Brian Tegg
Sharon Van Turnhout
Academy Patrons
Carol and Trevor Kempton

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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
PO Box 5571
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Hanover Hall
65 Hanover Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand