News - 22 Oct 2024
Tom Rainey - Musical Director and Conductor
I have such fond memories of presenting “All you Need is Love” last year, and I can’t wait to do it all again with the wonderful team and musicians of the DSO - this time with the music of ABBA – what a treat!

What excites you most about conducting the DSO for the “DSO Plays ABBA” concert?
I have such fond memories of presenting “All you Need is Love” last year, and I can’t wait to do it all again with the wonderful team and musicians of the DSO - this time with the music of ABBA – what a treat! From the 70s disco era to the present day, this concert will take the DSO musicians and audience on a musical journey spanning nearly five decades of ABBA’s legacy. A brand new show, developed over the past year, and destined to be performed all over NZ and Australia, Dunedin audiences will be the first to experience this show.
How do you adapt ABBA’s pop songs for a symphony orchestra while preserving their original charm?
In arranging ABBA for orchestra, I have endeavoured to keep the songs as faithful to the originals as possible. The music of ABBA fits so well for orchestra – the songs and original tracks are so carefully produced and richly textured, and fit the orchestral palette so well. The ABBA sound became instantly famous, and went on to help establish Sweden at the forefront of pop music production for decades. From the bar room piano of Money Money Money, the swirling strings of Voulez Vous, and the spine-tingling punch of the orchestra brass and percussion, audience members are in for a hearty sonic punch of nostalgia – a unique opportunity to be immersed in the symphonic grandeur and nostalgic vibes of ABBA’s music in a live setting like never before.
What challenges do you face when orchestrating ABBA’s music for a symphonic performance?
Having orchestrated the music from the Beatles and the Bee Gees to Shapeshifter and Tiki Taane, I often find the challenge in setting popular music to orchestra is how to marry the original sounds and textures with the classical instruments and resources. I can honestly say that has rarely been the case with ABBA – the available sounds of brass, woodwind, string and percussion fit very naturally with so much of the music – either in terms of replicating the textures of the originals, or emphasising the emotional arc of the songs through delicate strings or a hefty symphonic hit - ABBA and orchestra are a natural fit.
How do you ensure that the vocalists and instrumentalists seamlessly blend to create a cohesive performance?
We have amazing, experienced vocalists for this concert who I know will bring the energy and spirit of ABBA to life on stage - no easy feat considering the complex harmonies and lines of the ABBA songs. From my experience, singers relish the opportunity to sing with an orchestra backing them, and I know our singers can’t wait to perform with the DSO and are working hard to bring the songs to life. Our rhythm section is comprised of Dunedin professionals who will ensure the bass, drums, guitar and keyboard engine room is powering the ship along. In the Town Hall we will be in the expert hands of Strawberry Sound who will weave their magic bringing the balance of singers, orchestra and band together.
What does it mean to you personally to bring ABBA’s music to life with the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra?
As you can probably tell – I’m very excited…! This will be the result of many months of hard work for me, and to work with the DSO team, musicians and singers to bring together such an exciting show in the amazing Dunedin Town Hall is an opportunity that doesn’t come along that often – I can’t wait..!!
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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
PO Box 5571
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Hanover Hall
65 Hanover Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand