News - 08 Jun 2023
Thank you for your support
The DSO is very grateful for the assistance from all our family of supporters, donors, sponsors, grant giving organisations and core funders.

The DSO is very grateful for the assistance from all our family of supporters, donors, sponsors, grant giving organisations and core funders. Your support for our many activities each year is an investment in the present and future of the DSO.
We were thrilled with the result from our 2022 Brighter Future Appeal which, thanks to your outstanding support, raised over $12,000.
Thank you also to all our returning sponsors for their commitment to the DSO in what is turning out to be a challenging year for funding. Your loyalty is more valuable than ever.
We are working very hard to fill the gaps despite the current financial environment but with your help remain focused on continuing to make outstanding music for the community.
There are many simple and secure ways to support the DSO performances, DSO Academy, DSO Player Development, DSO’s University Scholarship and many DSO activities.
Learn more and find the method that works best for you. Get in touch at development@ – we would love to hear from you.
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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
PO Box 5571
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Hanover Hall
65 Hanover Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand