Review - 01 Aug 2021
Sunshine on a damp Dunedin day
A programme of sunny, pastoral music was the perfect antidote to Sunday’s damp, chilly weather, as the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra concluded its matinee series concerts.

Dunedin Symphony Orchestra King’s & Queen’s PAC Sunday, August 1
A programme of sunny, pastoral music was the perfect antidote to Sunday’s damp, chilly weather, as the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra concluded its matinee series concerts.
A full house at the King’s & Queen’s Performing Arts Centre was thoroughly entertained as conductor Marc Taddei led a responsive DSO through an enjoyable performance. The concert began with Knecht’s Le Portrait musical de la Nature (1785), a light, delicate work describing a beautiful countryside, a storm and its aftermath. The work was said to have been familiar to Beethoven, whose Symphony No. 6, Pastorale was included later in the programme.
While the two works adopted a similar descriptive structure - beautiful, sunny place, a storm passes and peace resumes — it was intriguing to contrast the two composers’ interpretations in one concert. The DSO maintained a focused approach throughout both works, handling the trills of the Knecht with aplomb and giving full rein to Beethoven’s glorious melodies.
Sandwiched in between these two pastorales was a wonderful performance of Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola, featuring NZ String Quartet players Monique Lapins (violin) and Gillian Ansell (viola) as soloists. The duo’s experience together in the quartet shone through with great communication and perfect timing, as they passed the tune back and forth and joined together in lovely harmony during this delightful work.
Under the baton of Taddei, the orchestra was steady and sensitive in support of the pair, adding to an uplifting and satisfying performance.
With their intriguing mix of works and composers, in an intimate setting, the DSO’s matinee series concerts continue to be an excellent and popular approach to winter music. Bravo!
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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
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New Zealand
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