News - 22 Nov 2023
Introducing the phwealth concert ‘Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto’ soloist Konstantin Shamray
One of the most majestic moments in music is the very opening of Tchaikovsky's B-flat minor piano concerto. No matter how many times I hear a performance of this work, as soon as the horns play their first notes, my soul soars, nothing else matters in the world. What a monument to the music!

It is always a challenge to perform such an iconic work with a new sense of creativity and freedom. Reimagining one's artistic approach each time can be almost daunting, given the popularity of this concerto. There is a feeling that everyone knows every note. But is it true? The key to preparation for this piece is not to fall into the trap of over-familiarity, I believe that approaching the score as if you are seeing it for the very first time is essential. The intricacy of Tchaikovsky's orchestration ensures you discover something new every time, even for the most studious and thorough performers. Similar to re-reading your favourite book, when you see different aspects of the story, "re-composing" the music ignites your imagination and creativity, makes you find new pathways, I would even call it new algorithms. When revisiting any literature or music, my interaction is intertwined with personal, emotional context. We have something new in us every day, and I try to let those experiences affect my vision of the works I perform. How tragic would it be to find once and for all the most convincing way to interpret a piece of music; that would mean the end of music, recreating something which had been already done before would be doing the audience, myself and fellow musicians a disservice.
I am looking forward to working with DSO and maestro Umberto Clerici to bring our favourite music back to life fresh and as new as ever.
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2024 Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
(Registered as Dunedin Civic Orchestra Incorporated. Registered charity CC34031.)
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