News - 01 Jul 2024

Alistair Fraser, Taoka Pūoro soloist in 'Journeys'

Michael Norris asked me to perform ‘Rerenga’ after he was commissioned to write the work.

We met a few times and Michael recorded and transcribed my playing on taoka (taonga as per Kāi Tahu dialect) pūoro and then created phrases that my taoka could play naturally.

One of the challenges integrating taoka pūoro with a symphony orchestra is the difference in volume between the two. I use sound reinforcement to counter this problem and this allows the taoka pūoro to be fed into Michael's electronic manipulation, which is also then incorporated into the performance.

The elements of ngā taoka pūoro, the orchestra and Michael's electronic manipulations are incorporated in such a seamless way that they sometimes appear to be one instrument working in unison. The taoka pūoro act as a soloist during the work, informing the orchestra and feeding Michael's electronic component. It's a naturally beautiful piece of music.

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